
HHS Files Notice of Appeal in Title X Parental Consent Case

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Amy Moy / 415.518.4465 / amoy@essentialaccess.org

Statement by Nomsa Khalfani, PhD, Co-CEO, Essential Access Health

“Confidential access to contraceptive care is a fundamental hallmark of the Title X federal family planning program. Privacy concerns about personal health decisions can delay and prevent patients of all ages from getting the care they want and need - putting their health, safety, and futures at risk. This is on top of other barriers to access that disproportionately impact youth, people with low-incomes, and BIPOC communities including out-of-pocket costs, travel to the nearest provider, time away from work and school, and wait times for appointments,” said Nomsa Khalfani, Co-CEO of Essential Access Health. 

“We applaud the Biden administration’s actions to defend long-standing tenants of the Title X program and appeal the harmful decision released by a district court judge in Texas that threatens teen health and safety and is grounded in ideology and political motivation rather than sound legal precedent. We stand with teens in Texas and across the country, and will do everything possible to defend access to Title X services like birth control and STI prevention and treatment for anyone seeking these services that are essential to our individual and community health and well-being.”


Essential Access Health administers the Title X program in California and Hawai'i, and has been a Title X grantee since the program was established by Congress in 1970.