Research Center


Each year, the Essential Access Health Research Center screens thousands of women and men and enrolls hundreds of eligible participants in clinical trials of sexual and reproductive health products. Our team has a national reputation for recruiting large numbers of racially and ethnically diverse study participants at a very fast pace. Eligible participants can join our studies at one of ten convenient clinic locations throughout Southern California and the Bay Area.

We customize recruitment strategies for your study to guarantee effective recruitment from the start. Study participants are well matched to your projected customer base, every time.

Data Driven Support + Analytics

Our recruitment success is driven by over 35 years of experience managing multi-media recruitment campaigns. We employ a variety of creative advertising approaches including online advertising and outreach through social and traditional media. We use custom software to monitor the yield and cost of each advertisement to keep your recruitment campaign efficient and on track.

Recruitment Center

We support advertising with a recruitment center that allows prospective participants to reach us in many different ways including phone, text messaging, email, social media and through a customized study website. Our recruitment materials and advertisements include a toll-free study number staffed by trained professionals who are available to answer questions and pre-screen interested callers for study eligibility. Custom software tracks the status and disposition of each caller to ensure the highest level of responsiveness to both participant and sponsor.

Additional recruitment features include:

  • National study-specific toll-free number
  • Call Center open Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Evening screening + enrollment appointments
  • 24/7 automated phone system back-up
  • Personalized email response 7 days a week

Learn more by visiting our participant friendly recruitment site.


text of the organization's tagline

Essential Access Health is closed Dec 23-Jan 3. Happy holidays + looking forward to collaborating in 2025. Support Our Work