Motivational Interviewing for Quality Family Planning Counseling
Patient-centered counseling is an essential component of providing quality sexual and reproductive health care. With the release of the revised Recommendations for Providing Quality Family Planning (QFP) by the Office of Population Affairs and the Centers for Disease Control, there has been an increased emphasis on the importance of delivering contraceptive counseling that is patient-centered. The QFP describes five Principles for Providing Quality Counseling, including building rapport, personalizing discussions, and confirming client understanding.
This online course will provide an overview of the five principles and discuss specific strategies for incorporating them into patient counseling sessions. Participants will also learn how to apply highly effective motivational interviewing (MI) techniques.
- Clinicians
- Nurses
- Family Planning Counselors
- Health Educators
- Medical Assistants
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the five Principles for Providing Quality Counseling.
- Identify strategies for incorporating these principles into all patient encounters.
- Apply Motivational Interviewing techniques to maximize rapport and promote healthy behaviors
The course fee includes CEU processing (CPH = 1.0; CHES = 0.5; Nursing = 0.6).
Certified in Public Health (CPH):
This event was sponsored by Essential Access Health, an approved provider of CPH Recertification Credits by the National Board of Public Health Examiners for 1.0 credits.
Health Educators (CHES®):
Essential Access Health, provider #98021, is designated as a provider of Category 1 continuing education contact hours in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Health educators attending this program may report up to 0.5 contact hours.
Provider approved by California Board of Registered Nursing. Provider #CEP 12241, for 0.6 contact hours.