CT/GC EPT Distribution Program Medication Ordering Process

Order Form

After signing in to the CT/GC EPT Distribution Program, click the Request Medication button to access the order form. The point-person must complete and submit the order form for each site requesting medication from the CT/GC EPT Distribution Program. After an order is submitted, Essential Access Health staff will review the request and will contact the point-person with any questions.

Order Frequency and Quantity

Medication can be ordered from the CT/GC EPT Distribution Program a maximum of one time per month. Essential Access Health recommends placing two bulk orders per year per site.

There is currently no cap on the amount of medication that can be requested per order. Essential Access Health advises ordering a six-month supply for each clinic site or LHJ. Orders should be based on estimates from dispensing history or positivity rates. All order size requests will be filled as supply permits. If you have any questions about ordering, contact stdprograms@essentialaccess.org.

Medication Log 

Each participating clinic site and LHJ is required to keep a line-listed electronic or paper log (“medication log”) of all dispensed medication doses from the CT/GC EPT Distribution Program. The medication log serves as a data collection tool so that each site or LHJ can provide the order form required data to Essential Access Health in aggregate form. It may also be used to track who was given the medication in case of a medical reason. Participating clinic sites and LHJs are encouraged to use Essential Access Health’s medication log template but alternate medication log formats (such as integration into electronic health record (EHR) are acceptable) as long as the data described in the section below are captured and reported.

Order Form Required Data

The order form contains required fields to submit the following site-specific data since the last order:

  • Doses in stock - number of CT and GC doses in stock
  • Expired doses - number of expired CT and GC doses
  • Chlamydia data
    • number of patients testing positive for CT, by gender*
    • number of patients provided with CT partner treatment from the CT/GC EPT Distribution Program, by gender
    • number of doses of CT partner treatment dispensed to CT-positive patients, by gender
  • Gonorrhea data
    • number of patients testing positive for GC, by gender*
    • number of patients provided with GC partner treatment from CT/GC EPT Distribution Program, by gender
    • number of doses of GC partner treatment dispensed to GC-positive patients, by gender

* If you are an LHJ ordering medication for field-delivered treatment (FDT), a standardized code is provided for this field.

Shipping Address

Each clinic site or LHJ that requests medication will receive a medication shipment sent directly to the respective site contact and site address provided on the registration form. The point-person may update the site contact and site address by editing the User Profile while signed in to the CT/GC EPT Distribution Program.

Order Arrival

Essential Access Health processes orders on the 15th of every month. Clinic sites and LHJs can expect to receive medication approximately two weeks after Essential Access Health processes the orders. The point-person, site contact (if different than the point-person), and additional contacts (if provided) will receive an email notification when the order has been shipped.

If an order is not received within 30 days of receipt of Essential Access Health’s shipment notification email, contact stdprograms@essentialaccess.org. Essential Access Health assumes each clinic site or LHJ received their order unless contacted to indicate otherwise.

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